Tech Immersion

Friday, April 14, 2006


The Secrets of Great Security

1. Use Security Software- A shocker I know.

If you can afford a security suite I recommend Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite- the download version. It will set you back $50 big ones but it is the most well rounded solution out there. If you are hurtin for cash download AVG

DO NOT BUY MCAFEE OR NORTON. These products are notorious for causing problems. It is ajob security feature for us IT Consultants because it causes more problems than it solves. If it's not the overloading the CPU issues of McAfee, it's the multitude of un-uninstallable email software that locks up outlook or printer issues.

2. Keep it Up To Date!- These are complex theories aren't they.
Most security suites automatically update themselves but just in case update your armada of software. Rule of thumb: If it interacts with the Internet, keep it up to date. Patch anything that can be patched for the most part especially critical service packs from Microsoft update.
This includes
Windows Media Player
any other media player
Anti-Virus solution
Web Browser
Operating System
Productivity and Office Products.
Email Clients

3. Do NOT download unknown file attachments for any reasons.
If it is unexpected write back to the sender and confirm the contents of the attachment.
Be especially suspicious of e-cards, v-cards, any other web cards and particularly web files (.html xml and java) along with compressed attachments.ASK your ISP about scanning inbound email, chances are for legal reasons, they offer an online scanning tool.

4. Do not click anything without reading it.
One of the most common issues my clients face is errors that they are given messages for yet they refuse to read, or they have clicked on a liscense agreement and installed third party software that trashes their computer. IT DOESN'T TAKE TECHNICAL SKILL TO READ WHAT IS IN THE WINDOW.

5. You Haven't Won Anything.Don't be a Dumb Browser.
Don't click on sidebar games or anything in a pop up window other than the x or close button

If You practice these five steps you will have about a 1% chance of logging in to a trashed computer.


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